User Interface

Greenplayer Set-top box

While MOD Systems had existed for several years, their primary product had been evolving and maturing to the point where it was time to develop additional components that consumers could purchase and use themselves. Out of this desire to unify digital media and rights management, MOD Systems created GreenPlay. A digital media standard that would enable publishers to freely distribute digital content without fear of piracy in some of the most heavily trafficked commercial areas. While the GreenPlay standard may be easily accessible, it still required devices that were capable of playing the format. The device also had to compete with existing set-top box technologies such as Netflix’ Roku, Apple TV, Vudu, Xbox, and Playstation.

MOD had collaborated with Teague prior and with the company’s sterling track record of proven industrial designs and interface work, it was time to turn to them again. In order to keep the project focused and on track, myself and MOD’s project manager met frequently with Teague’s team to collaborate and guide their designs and build a full featured, elegant home entertainment system.

Unfortunately, MOD wasn’t quite ready to implement what had been envisioned and after their time with Teague was up, it was time to strip down the design to what was currently in place. I took over the hands-on design from there on out, adapting what had been created to what was practical within development timelines, all the while keeping the original design in mind as a road map for features yet to come. While major elements were removed others had to be created or re-imagined. In the end, a user interface was created that was simple to use and navigate that retained the spirit and design guidelines of the previous work.